Monday, December 15, 2008

Toms update

Ok, my book is finally done and for sale on Lulu. I got a copy of it last week and the margins were all wrong, it was completely unreadable. So, we re-did the margins, then had to wait as Lulu was having issues with their preview generator, and today I finally got a preview of it. It looks like its good, so its for sale.
I'm pretty proud of this story. It's the first in a series, so I had to dedicate time to the development and introduction of characters, something that doesn't take as long in the second book.
I don't have any sales goals or anything for this one, I just hope people enjoy it. And hopefully I'll get some useful feedback. I know my style is always evolving, I'm doing a rewrite of the second book right now because of it. Feedback is always appreciated as I feel it'll make my writing better. I'm just starting so I know I have room to improve!

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