Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Descend again....

After some serious nagging from my mom and some very serious thought...I am editing Descent Into Temptation! Once I have completed the edit, I'll be publishing a second edition. Possibly in hardcover. See if I can cull out the hardcore fans by offering a hard cover project! I'll also make it available in paperback in the second edition as well.
None of the story will be changed, but the text will be cleaned up a lot! I've found, and been told of, a lot of errors I made. Simple errors that if I had slowed down in the first place I would have caught.
So...please be patient, and keep an eye out..a hard cover second edition will be on the way soon!!!
The cover will feature my mom's art work on the second edition, but I may vary the cover some, to help it stand apart from the first edition. But I will worry about that at a later date when I'm closer to publishing.

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